An HSM signature is a digital signature that is created using a hardware security module (HSM). HSMs are specialized devices that are designed to protect cryptographic keys and perform cryptographic operations. This makes them ideal for creating digital signatures, which are used to verify the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents.
Here are some of the benefits of using HSM signatures:
- Increased security: HSMs are tamper-resistant devices that protect the private keys used to create signatures. This makes it much more difficult for attackers to forge or tamper with signatures.
- Improved efficiency: HSMs can perform cryptographic operations much faster than CPUs. This can save time and resources when signing large documents or multiple documents.
- Increased portability: HSMs can be easily moved from one computer to another. This makes them ideal for organizations that need to sign documents in multiple locations.
Here are the differences between an HSM signature and a USB token signature
USB Token
✅ Can only be signed on a computer or laptop (USB port required)
✅ Users must always carry a USB Token device with them to be able to digitally sign
✅ Only sign offline
✅ Unable to authorize (decentralize) widely, only allow 1 user at a time
✅ Can only sign in turn, with slow speed, about 4-5 digital signatures per minute
✅ Suitable for businesses or individuals with a moderate amount of digital signatures
📌 Can sign on computer, laptop and any smart device
📌 Convenient, no need to carry a device, can support digital signature via online account
📌 Fast signing, speed up to 1,200 signatures per second
📌 Capable of decentralizing multiple users at the same time
📌 Ensure the integrity of documents and documents signed in the online environment
📌 Suitable for all types of business models, especially businesses that need to sign many and fast or those that issue invoices for many branches