Starting 01 Jul 2024, most SMS messages from Singapore government agencies will feature a unique [...]
Chính phủ Việt Nam đã ban hành Nghị định số 64/2024/NĐ-CP ngày 17/06/2024, kéo dài [...]
The Vietnamese government issued Decree No. 64/2024/NĐ-CP on 17 Jun 2024, extending the payment deadlines [...]
Phạm vi giảm thuế giá trị gia tăng là giảm 2% thuế suất thuế giá [...]
The value-added tax reduction involves a 2% decrease in the VAT rate, applicable to goods [...]
Banks in Vietnam are simultaneously notifying and urging customers to register biometric information (fingerprint, facial [...]
Lien Khuong domestic airport in Lam Dong, home to the popular resort city of Da [...]
A company can handle the declaration of input VAT deduction from foreign suppliers (e-commerce) in [...]
The newly released GPT-4o by OpenAI boasts incredible speed, raising questions about whether ChatGPT remains [...]