3 Steps to identify a valid e-Invoice in Vietnam

DATA ENTRY VIETNAM (DEV) proposes 3 simple steps to identify a valid e-Invoice in Vietnam:

1. Check the Lookup Code and Link on the issued e-Invoice (provided by the Seller) to see the display of the invoice.

2. Compare The information on the invoice with The portal of the General Department of Taxation (GDT)


– Check if the Seller has sent the Official Announcement of Company Invoices to the GDT?

– Check if the invoice model number matches the information sent to the GDT?

– Check the operation status of the Seller’s Tax Code (still active?) and whether the taxpayer has been granted a Tax Registration Certificate?


3. Check invoice content

(1) Buyer’s information: Tax code, Company name, Address

(2) Information of goods, services, unit price, quantity.

(3) The date of signing and the date of making should be the same, except for special cases.

(4) The entire content of goods must be shown on the invoice (not as the “attached list”).