To dissolve an enterprise, the following 6 steps must be completed:
1. Approve the resolution for dissolution and make the decision to dissolve the enterprise.
2. Liquidate the company’s assets.
3. Notify the decision to dissolve the enterprise to the Business Registration Office at the Department of Planning and Investment (first application to the Department of Planning and Investment):
- Within 7 working days of the approval of the dissolution decision, the enterprise must send the decision, meeting minutes (if any), and debt settlement plan (if there are any unpaid debts) to the Business Registration Office where the enterprise is headquartered. The decision must also be communicated to the enterprise’s employees and posted publicly at the head office, branches, and representative offices.
- Within 1 working day of receiving the dissolution notice, the Business Registration Office will post the decision and notify the status of the enterprise undergoing dissolution procedures on the National Business Registration portal.
- At the same time, the enterprise’s legal status in the National Business Registration Database will be changed to “IN THE PROCESS OF DISSOLUTION,” and information about the dissolution will be sent to the Tax Authority.
4. The enterprise must work with Tax Authority to fulfill its tax obligations, pay outstanding debts, and pay fines for any violations (if applicable).
5. The enterprise must return its seal and seal certificate sample to the police agency (if the enterprise used a seal issued by the police agency).
6. Submit the dissolution registration application to the Business Registration Office at the Department of Planning and Investment (second application to the Department of Planning and Investment):
- Within 5 working days of paying all debts, the enterprise must send the dissolution registration dossier to the Business Registration Office.
*Note: Before submitting the application for dissolution, the enterprise must shut down its branches, representative offices, and business locations (if any).