A digital signature, usually called as “Tax token” in Vietnam, is a must-have device for all Vietnamese enterprises today, which encrypts all of an organization’s data and information so that it may be used to sign digital documents and other sorts of paperwork used in electronic transactions conducted over the internet.
The digital signature (which is normally a physical device looks like an USB, or can be non-USB digital signature in the near future) is normally purchased right after the business license. The Companies uses the Token to submit tax returns, pay taxes as necessary, sign the e-Invoice, and sign SHUI reports.
The Companies should monitor the digital certificate’s validity period to make sure there are no issues when using it. Typically, it is valid for 1, 2, or 3 years, depending on the company’s choice.
Currently, companies can purchase or extend the valid term of tokens from recognized vendors such Vina SmartSign, Viettel, VNPT, FPT, BKAV, etc.
For more information or any further inquiries, please feel free to contact us at Data Entry Vietnam Co., Ltd.