In order to limit going out and protect health because of Covid-19, many enterprises, schools choose to study and work from home. In the era of technology 4.0, “WFH – Work from Home” requires people to connect with each other via internet or through telecommunications equipment without going to school or a physical office.

And a challenge is how to be able to work remotely but improve optimal work efficiency?

The disadvantages of working from home are noticed by DATA ENTRY VIETNAM Ltd. as follows:

  • Lack of supervision: Lack of direct supervision from superiors, employees have to know how to arrange working time and require high self-awareness.
  • Losing focus: We are always distracted by the surrounding noise. When working from home, noise can come from anything, from questions your kids ask, from traffic outside, from text message alerts and television sounds, … And we also easily spent more time looking at newspapers and social media sites.
  • Lack of direct social contact, which can be a bad thing if it lasts for a long time
  • Documents storage problem: the lack of necessary office machines, equipment and supplies is also a noticeable drawback.

Through learning about practical cases and ways to improve effective situations, we would like to introduce you some ways to improve remote working.

  • Exploiting information technology maximally and effectively: When working remotely, we may have some difficulties in technology. So, it is extremely important to instruct employees to use the software so that the work discussion can take place smoothly. For teleworkers, software such as Skype, Viber, Zalo … will be essential tools to exchange information with each other. At the same time, the rules in how to write emails, answer the phone are things that need attention. Using them appropriately will improve communication efficiency, enhance interoperability and exchange.
  • To improve work efficiency, you should set up a suitable schedule for work and life. And you must commit yourself to the schedule that you have set.  In addition, making to-do lists, numbering priorities for each item, and taking a little rest every 45 minutes to 90 minutes will help your work become more efficiently.
  • Having a noise-canceling headphone will help you avoid being disturbed by everyone around you, focus on working better. Each person should also consider buying a new set of desks and chairs instead of taking advantage of the sofa, kitchen table …
  • The use of technology is essential in virtual work environments, such as instant messaging, conference calls and video conferencing. Keeping up to date with the latest information and using tools like Google Meet, etc. can help in communication between colleagues and managers effectively. This will help to directly promote personal involvement and help break down the feelings of isolation among teleworkers.
  • Teleworkers also need to be vigilant about information security and keep software up to date, including anti-virus software and operating system updates.

Last but not least, the remote workspace is your own personal creative space. You should always keep the workspace neat and tidy. In addition, you should also try to put on your desk some favorite things such as flower pots, paintings, a beautiful fish tank… Those will help you reduce stress and inspire you to work every day.